Teachers’ Visual Observation Towards Their City: Urban Identities and Heritage Education


  • Ricard Huerta Universidad de Valencia




Identity, Art Education, Teachers, Visual Culture, City


With this research, we approach the peculiar way in which teachers view their city. We want to find out if there really is a teaching identity in the educa¬tors observation of the urban environment. We use a case studies methodology (Hubard, 2008), and gather the opinions of educators through interviews and participatory activities. Our analysis is focused on teachers in two cities: Montevideo (Uruguay) and Valencia (Spain). We inquire into teachers way of seeing, to further identify their particular interests in all that the city offers: an encounter with the look (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), a vibrant area of activity and strong economic power (Harvey, 2012), a pos¬sibility of educational activity (Walker and Chaplin, 2002), a source of aesthetic possibilities (Laddaga, 2006), an environment that promotes reflection (Huerta, 2010), a meeting with public art and com¬munity processes (Palacios 2010), and an object of study and enjoyment (Careri, 2002).


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How to Cite

Huerta, R. . (2014). Teachers’ Visual Observation Towards Their City: Urban Identities and Heritage Education. Pulso. Revista De educación, (37), 122–147. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.5191



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