Preschool and primary education principals in the community of Asturias: Perception o their training, tasks and professional skills
School management, Initial and ongoing training, Preschool and primary education, Management rolesAbstract
In this paper, we intend to study the professional situation of principals of preschools and primary schools in the autonomous community of Asturias. As study objectives, we aim to analyse their initial and permanent training, their satisfaction in performing their duties in this position, the importance of management for the operation of schools, the quality of teaching, and the support and collaboration the principals receive. Therefore, we have developed a test using a Google application that has been sent and received by email to a sample of directors chosen at random and based on the ownership of the schools. The test was completed by sixty-seven principals. As study conclusions, we can indicate that it is necessary to improve the initial and ongoing training programmes for management roles. Principals are reasonably satisfied in performing their duties, and consider their role to be important for the proper functioning of the school and teaching quality. They understand that they receive a reasonable degree of support, collaboration and recognition in their tasks. The educational administrations must support leadership and management roles.
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