Inorganic Chemical Formulation in Secondary Education (Chemistry Poker)


  • José Joaquín Esteve Castell Colegio Nuestra Sra. De la Salud. Algemesí (Valencia)



Chemical formulae for inorganic compounds, teamwork, Chemistry education, nomenclature


One of the main problems Science teachers must face while transmitting concepts is that Science nomenclature and epistemology is too specific and difficult for students. Starting from this practical problem we introduce the following methodological proposal to teach chemical formulae for inorganic compounds in the second cycle of the Secondary Education (E.S.O.). We aim at making our students build their own learning with the help of classmates and teachers. To do that, we use a card game which increases students involvement in the task and improves classroom atmosphere by offering students opportunities for exchanging approaches and/or opinions.


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How to Cite

Esteve Castell, J. J. . (2008). Inorganic Chemical Formulation in Secondary Education (Chemistry Poker). Pulso. Revista De educación, (31), 197–217.



Educational experiences