Research-action study on the application of the Flipped Classroom model in the subjects of Mathematics II and Applied Mathematics to the Social Sciences on 2nd of upper secondary school
Action-research, Flipped Classroom, Mathematics, 2nd of upper secondary schoolAbstract
An Action-Research study is presented in which the impact of implementing the Flipped Classroom model is analyzed in the teaching of the subjects of Mathematics II and Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II in the second year of upper secondary school. The study analyzes the results obtained by students in both subjects, as well as in EvAU (Assessment for University Access). This model places the student at the center of their learning process and changes the role of the teacher within the classroom. The implementation of this teaching strategy has advantages and disadvantages, so it is a matter of evaluating the final outcome throughout five years of experience and drawing conclusions that can be applied in other similar situations. Outcomes show an improvement in students’ academic results, but, above all, they confirm that the model facilitates the optimization and use of class time and clearly improves attention to student diversity.
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