Enter-Arte: Learn by creating, create by learning. Project 2004-2005: “SujetObjetoS”


  • Javier Abad Molina CSEU La Salle
  • Alberto Pérez Fernández CAP de Getafe




Educational Investigation, Artistic Project, New Visual Language


Enter-Arte is a working group that is interested in generating, developing and organising innovative artistic projects and providing a meeting place for reflection and investigation of these artistic initiatives in an educational environment. Made up mainly by teachers, Enter-Arte attempts to involve other professionals who are interested in bringing art to the school and transferring infant art into more of a 158 Javier Abad Molina y Alberto Pérez Fernández social-cultural environment. Enter-Arte emphasizes the search for new visual languages and materials in schools, developing proactive methodologies in the classroom, forming creativity as the governing axis to learning, investigating the environment, discovering other social-cultural realities, collaborating with educational services in museums, galleries, etc…

Since its foundation in 1998, Enter-Arte has initiated several diverse projects in an educational, artistic environment, which has opened up an enquiry that values the actual processes of study and the participation of the entire educational community: families, educators, and those being educated who learn, construct, and create together. This article presents an historical overview and justification of all these activities with greater emphasis on the project completed in 2004.


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How to Cite

Abad Molina, J. ., & Pérez Fernández, A. . (2005). Enter-Arte: Learn by creating, create by learning. Project 2004-2005: “SujetObjetoS”. Pulso. Revista De educación, (28), 157–177. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.4937



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