Interrelación entre el espacio y las acciones en las instalaciones de juego
Installations for play, Relations, Spontaneous play, Space, ActionsAbstract
The work presented in this study is the result of an investigation carried out with a group of girls and boys aged 2-3 in a nursery school of the Madrid City Council and is based on identifying the significance of the different actions and interactions that are carried out in playful spaces called installations for play, as well as on the question of whether the human being internalizes what comes from the external experience through actions or “externalizes” what originates from his own internal world through these. In the methodological approach used, the action research model has been adopted following a sequence of cycles divided into four moments: planning, action, observation and reflection, favoring the participation of the educational community involved in the project. The bonding relationships that are created through stable encounters in these meeting spaces offer the opportunity to share processes of cultural accompaniment and transformation that contribute to discovering the possibility of improving the educational reality, including and involving the community of belonging and reference.
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