Social networks and Higher Education: New Environments for teaching-learning of Arts education in the Degree of Infant Education


  • Carmen Gómez Redondo



Identity, Cultural Heritage, Community Development, Fine Arts, Art History


This article describes an educational experience in the virtual environment. From the MUSAC virtualized collection participants relate selected works with their own experiences or points of view. The main objective of this practice is that participants interact with selected works with their own experiences and points of view. This story serves as a starting point for a visual and narrative discussion, in which participants propose images and argue relations from their own interpretations. The results are shown as a discussion with double dimensionality, literary and other plastic one. The amount of collected data were filtered and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The main results relate the literary discourse with the artistic one through the contents of both, reducing plastic relationship between them. Finally a phenomenon related to processes and patrimonial identization is observed, underlying this practice, and it is the heritage as inter identity phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Gómez Redondo, C. . (2016). Social networks and Higher Education: New Environments for teaching-learning of Arts education in the Degree of Infant Education. Pulso. Revista De educación, (39), 223–242.



Educational experiences