The students’ motivation in the foreign language classroom. Findings from an empirical study on the utilisation of communication and information technologies


  • Andreas Grünewald Universidad de Hamburgo (Alemania)



Motivation, interest, Internet and software in classroom, spanish as an foreign language, language learning and computer, L2-motivation., Interest, Internet and Software in Classroom, Spanish as an Foreign Language, Language Learning and Computer


The research results presented in this article are based on a study on how software and Internet use in the Spanish foreign language classroom effect the pupils motivation and selfreflection (Grünewald, 2006). The main objectives of this study are to examine a) whether and if so how the learners attitudes towards the foreign language and their learning motivation develop when using language learning software and the Internet, b) how the learners assess their own progress,and c) whether correlations between an increasing motivation and an individually perceived learning success can be observed. This contribution focuses on motivation theories and their relevance for the language learning process.


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How to Cite

Grünewald, A. . (2009). The students’ motivation in the foreign language classroom. Findings from an empirical study on the utilisation of communication and information technologies. Pulso. Revista De educación, (32), 75–93.



Research and studies