The Cultural Heritage Fundamentals of the Present and from the Present to Approach its Teaching


  • Olaia Fontal Merillas Universidad de Valladolid



Heritage Education, Contemporary Culture, Didactics of the Cultural Heritage


The cultural present has a singularity that deÞ nes it, and at the same time it has the potential of deÞ ning the society in which arises. This turns it into a wealth assets able to generating identities, characterizing contexts, being transmitted between generations, and being a protection object. Nevertheless, this cultural heritage of the present, is not treated as such by the same present; not at least from the optics of the diffusion and the education. To develop these arguments, we depart from a reß ection it brings over of the culture, its temporary dimension -that is modifying the values that on it are projected- , up to dealing with speciÞ c form of the current culture -that of the present- throwing arguments to justify its internal coherence. From these reviews, we refer to the cultural heritages, in plural, demonstrating their diversity and plurality. Finally, we deal with the cultural keys of the present to approach its education, centring on the area of the education and of the cultural halffull communication. Only from the educational budgets –Heritage Education- we will be able to assure the transmission of a cultural base for the future


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How to Cite

Fontal Merillas, O. . (2006). The Cultural Heritage Fundamentals of the Present and from the Present to Approach its Teaching. Pulso. Revista De educación, (29), 9–31.



Research and studies