Entrance exams to study Earth and Environment Sciences at university in the Community of Madrid. Analysis of the design, the content and the results of the application of the tests from students and their impact on enhancing teaching practices and learning.


  • Luis F. Rebollo Ferreiro Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
  • Juana Nieda Oterino Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros




University Entrance Exam, Earth and Environment Sciences, Environmental Education, Meaningful Learning


This work deals with the role that university entrance exams can play as a tool for pedagogic updating. The members of the committee that elaborate the exams in Earth and Environment Sciences in the Community of Madrid have carried out an 26 Luis F. Rebollo Ferreiro y Juana Nieda Oterino educational investigation through the analysis of the design, the content and the results of the application of the tests in students. The analysis has evaluated the exam questions in order to contrast them with the aims, contents and evaluation criteria of the matter, as well as with the basis of meaningful learning and environmental education. The investigation has as finality the aim of favouring teaching practice to improve the students learning


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How to Cite

Rebollo Ferreiro, L. F. ., & Nieda Oterino, J. . (2005). Entrance exams to study Earth and Environment Sciences at university in the Community of Madrid. Analysis of the design, the content and the results of the application of the tests from students and their impact on enhancing teaching practices and learning. Pulso. Revista De educación, (28), 25–54. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.4930



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