Tutoring students with disabilities: survey of the initiatives at Spanish and European universities
tutorial action plan, tutoring students with disabilities, disability, inclusive education, universityAbstract
European universities have begun to launch initiatives to implement tutorial action plans that provide guidance and support for students as they earn their university degrees. However, these plans seldom include specific actions for students with disabilities. The purpose of this article is to present a list of the actions offered by 40 Spanish and 12 European universities which have a specific service catering to students with disabilities. The analysis bore in mind the most important dimensions to be implemented in any tutorial action plan, namely promotion, orientation, retention and graduation. From the results we can glean that both Spanish and European universities devote most efforts to seeking mechanisms to include disabled university students during their stay at the university, especially guidance on academic programmes and curricular adaptations. Likewise, European universities, unlike their Spanish counterparts, implement more actions at graduation and offer job insertion guidance programmes.
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