Discover, reinterpret and talk about the presence of women in the past through children's education in the museum


  • Sofía Albero Verdú



Museum education, Children, Gender perspective


This article presents some of the most outstanding educational proposals for children with a gender perspective that have been promoted through Spanish museums in the last 6 years. The main objective of the research is to analyse the discourses in relation to gender that lay the foundations of these activities. In order to do this, a mapping of the educational actions has been carried out from a qualitative approach, which includes information gathering, content analysis, classification, and a discussion about the selected educational actions. The conclusions show that, besides the fact that these types of actions are still very scarce in relation to other educational activities in museums, the predominant discourses are based on the recovery of women’s memory and the social and cultural construction of gender.



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How to Cite

Albero Verdú, S. (2018). Discover, reinterpret and talk about the presence of women in the past through children’s education in the museum . Pulso. Revista De educación, (41), 69–84.



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