Review of the basic criteria for designing educational programmes in museums for people with ASD
ASD, Heritage Education, Museums, Diversity, ProgrammesAbstract
This article arises from a doctoral thesis research study linked to the Spanish Heritage Education Observatory and financed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the project I+D+I EDU 2015/65716-C2-1-R. This study aims to locate and inventory heritage education programmes carried out in Spanish museums for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To do so, existing literature is analysed, taking as a reference, primarily, certain experiences developed in North America, to determine the minimum necessary criteria to design and evaluate these work proposals. This is based on the not always explicit consideration that many work proposals developed in museums stem from heritage education as the foundation for subsequent actions. It is concluded that these criteria can become guidelines for an inclusive environment such as the museum
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