Educational assessment: a reality in the museum


  • Sué Gutiérrez Berciano Universidad de Oviedo
  • Roser Calaf Universidad de Oviedo



Education Program, Quality Evaluation, Heritage, Museum-School Relationship, Best Practices


This work has been the pilot test of the Qualitative Evaluation of Educational Programs in Spain pro¬ject, (ECPEME) developed in 2011. The choice of both museums, Casa Natal de Jovellanos and Piñole Nicanor de Gijón (Asturias), as the first stage of evaluation, is justified by the presence of a well-established educational program with more than 20 years of tradition and the close school-museum relationship (85% of the municipalitys schools participate in activities), as well as the continuity of the person in charge of designing and implementing the promoted educational ac¬tivities. We have followed the logic procedures of the Illuminative Evaluation Parlett and Hamilton (Stufflebeam and Shinkfield, 1995) in order to develop a proposal for evaluation of educational interventions conducted at the museum. Using a combination of methodological protocols, allowing us to achieve a deeper and more rigorous analy¬sis of the educational effectiveness of museum educators. Aiming to understand not only aspects of their teaching performance but also of their working conditions.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Berciano, S., & Calaf, R. (2013). Educational assessment: a reality in the museum. Pulso. Revista De educación, (36), 37–53.



Research and studies