Travelling through time. Dialogues among artworks


  • Gloria Jové Monclús Departamento de Pedagogía y Psicología de la Universidad de Lleida
  • Olga Olivera Tabeni Instituto La Segarra. Cervera.



Teacher training, Learning through art, contemporary art, classical art, dichotomous thinking


This paper is contextualized in teacher training and it is the result of the analysis of students» works after two visits to the museums of the city of Lleida: an exhibition of contemporary art at Sorigué Foundation and another exhibition at the Museum of Lleida that includes the heritage collections. The students should make a comparison between the two visits. They lived two completely different experiences. The results showed an emerging dichotomous thinking in terms of classical art / contemporary art. We present how can we deconstruct and break this thought in the order to define new proposals to include the dialogues and «travels through time» in the education, in the training and in life.


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How to Cite

Jové Monclús, G. ., & Olivera Tabeni, O. (2011). Travelling through time. Dialogues among artworks. Pulso. Revista De educación, (34), 159–182.



Educational experiences