Disguising letters: how children enter the written world
Collaborative and Cooperative Learning, Artistic and Literary creativity, Cursive Writing, Cross-age Projects, Oral Comprehension and Expression in Formal SituationsAbstract
In this article we describe an experience based on cross-age collaborative and cooperative learning, in which second-year primary school students act as teachers and tutors of P-5 students and they introduce them in the use of cursive writing. This process is not anymore mechanic and it becomes a chance to develop the basic competences, above all artistic and linguistic. It is a project that promotes primary students artistic and literary creation and formal oral expression and childhood students oral comprehension and writing, in a global and interactive way, where interaction between arts and dialogue between students from different years is the key.
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Leyes educativas:
Departament d’Educació (26 de juny). Decret 142/2006, http://www.gencat.cat/ diari/4915/07176074.htm
Departament d’Educació (9 de setembre). Decret 181/2008, http://www.gencat.cat/ diari/5216/08247053.htm
Ley orgánica de Educación. LOE 2/2006.
Durante la redacción de este artículo, a través de la red hemos tenido noticia de experiencias similares en algunos aspectos, de las cuales queremos dejar también constancia:
Agustí, R., «Les lletres disfressades»: Recuperado el 25 de junio de 2011,
Bassach, P. «Lletres per disfressar (de pal i manuscrites)». Recuperado el 25 de junio de 2011, http://www.xtec.cat/dnee/tcp/exerlletres.htm
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