Open Book Project


  • Joan Pifarré Vidal Colegio Maristas Montserrat de Lleida



Attention to Diversity, Reading Systems and Analytical Global Pedagogy of Communication


Our project aims at attending to diversity in the reading field by providing an innovative experience. Its main characteristics are its inclusive orientation, the use of interactive whiteboards and the inclusion of personalised contents which are displayed on the school website. We propose a set of reading activities which stem from two basic premises. On the one hand, from a cognitive of view, we support the use of both analytical and global reading methods. On the other hand, the core of our project Libro abierto (Open book) lies on the communication pedagogy supported by Mario Kaplún (1998). This author highlights the ideological dimension of empathy. In our project, we believe in empathy and how it can be the source of positive attitudes, such as an increase of motivation and active participation. For this reason, we adapt contents to the actual conditions of students, and carry out reading activities related to their school life (outings, museum visits, theatre plays, school tasks, and so on).


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CUETOS, F. (1990): Psicología de la lectura. Madrid, Magisterio Español.

FERNÁNDEZ ENGUITA, M. (2007): “Redes para la innovación educativa”. Cuadernos de pedagogía, 374: 26-30.

GAGNÉ, R. (1975): Principios básicos del aprendizaje e instrucción. Méjico, Diana.

GÓMEZ-PALACIO, M. (1986): Nuevas perspectivas sobre los procesos de lectura y escritura. México, Siglo XXI.

KAPLUN, M. (1998): Una pedagogía de la comunicación. Madrid, Ediciones de la Torre.

PÉREZ GÓMEZ, A.I. (2007): “Las Competencias Básicas: su naturaleza e implicaciones Pedagógicas”. Cuaderno de Educación, 1.

REYES, Y. (1998): “Los libros sin páginas”. En: Cómo formar hijos lectores y no morir en el intento. Bogotá, Taller de Talleres.

SERRAT, A. (2005): PNL para docentes: mejora tu autoconocimiento y tus relaciones. Barcelona: Gra



How to Cite

Pifarré Vidal, J. . (2008). Open Book Project. Pulso. Revista De educación, (31), 181–196.



Educational experiences