Notes for a Didactic Model for Teaching Musical Language in Early Years Education
Music Education, Infant Education Stage, Musical Language, Didactic SongAbstract
Teaching the musical language is a very hard task that, sooner or later, must be faced by every music teacher. But, should we teach this musical language at school, starting even at Infant Education stage? Although some pedagogues have defended an opposite view, the investigations in musical psychology point that not only it is possible, but we will be encouraging the language development of the students. This article proposes a series of didactic songs focused towards the learning of musical notation of the pentatonic scale. This material is thought to be used in the second cycle of Infant Education and the Þ rst cycle of Primary Education. Together with these songs, there is a didactic guide for its use. The model means to be open, ß exible, active and meaningful for the student.
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