Guidelines and strategies to understand and address diversity in the classroom


  • José Manuel Gómez Montes Colegio San Gabriel (Alcalá de Henares)



Attention to Diversity, Students With Learning Disabilities, Students With Special Need, Ordinary Measures, Extraordinary Measures, Classroom Programming


The fact that in the last few years, the Attention to Diversity has become a very important topic in the educative literature in terms of papers published, seminaries congresses and research, the truth is that teachers, regardless the level of education they are teaching, keep finding this issue a real challenge, whose teaching role is full of doubts and concerns. 200 José Manuel Gómez Montes It is frequent that in the so called «Attention to Diversity» the relationship between theory and practice leads to conflicts. For this reason, a good strategy in order to reduce this distance from theory to practice is based in «understanding» the right concept of «Attention to Diversity» with all its complexity to know which strategies may help us to understand how to «deal» with the diversity in our classrooms.


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How to Cite

Gómez Montes, J. M. . (2005). Guidelines and strategies to understand and address diversity in the classroom. Pulso. Revista De educación, (28), 199–214.


