Music therapy intervention in a case of nonverbal learning disorder


  • Susana Toboso Ontoria Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Concepción Pérez López Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros



NLD, Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, Musicotherapy, Educational Music Therapy


The report presented herein is grounded on the assessment of a case study analysed for four months in a school of the Region of Madrid. It consists in the application of a process of musicotherapy to a student of primary school affected by Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NLD). The aims of this study have been the following: to analyse the influence of musicotherapy on the development of routine and sequential behaviours; to test if the musical action boosters the non-verbal communication of the student; and to understand if it helps the development of social abilities and self-esteem. Thanks to the qualitative research offered by this case study, this report determines that musicotherapy might help children affected by NLD to develop routine behaviours and improve self-esteem as it happened in the case analysed. Moreover, this research has demonstrated that musicotherapy favours non-verbal communication through the use of music, an aspect that might be applied to other contexts and situations.


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How to Cite

Toboso Ontoria, S., & Pérez López, C. . (2019). Music therapy intervention in a case of nonverbal learning disorder . Pulso. Revista De educación, (42), 33–50.



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