Learning Cooperative Learning. An experience to promote inclusive schools in a University classroom
cooperative learning, university teaching, teacher trainingAbstract
The following article presents the experience carried out in a subject of the Mention in Special Educational Needs of the Teaching Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education from Cardenal Cisneros University College. The subject "Intervention in Intellectual Disabilities, High Ability and Pervasive Developmental Disorders" was developed following the methodology of Cooperative Learning (CL) which includes an organization of space, distribution of roles between the different members of the group, planning activities that encourage positive interaction and dynamics of individual and group assessment. The objective of implementing this approach is twofold: first, the benefits of any CL in teaching and learning process and secondly, to provide students with a real and complete experience of CL (not based on theory) that can move easily to their future professional practice primarily as a tool in the Attention to Diversity.
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