Portable museums. An experience to deconstruct Art History and rethink the museum from the viewpoint of non-formal Art Education
Art Education, Art History, Museum, Museology, Social narrativesAbstract
Based on Marcel Duchamp’s work Boîte en valise, we held the enrichment workshop O meu museo portátil with students at the High Capacities Association of Galicia. The proposal enabled us to build our own museums through art and to share views on the role of the museum institution in our societies. With the principal aim of transforming art into a source of knowledge and experiences, the students could build their own narratives using iconic pieces of art history. Through the analysis of the experience, we can see how the group created personal links with art works and generated their own debates from a critical and emancipating position. In the following article we analyse this educational project based on a qualitative methodology and social narrative research, emphasising the stories constructed by the students during the experience.
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