The evaluative justice in the assessment of group projects: proposal and implementation in Grade of Primary Education
Teaching of Social Sciences, Evaluation, Systematization, Efficiency, JusticeAbstract
This article develops a didactic proposal put into practice for three consecutive academic years, in which hetero– assessment, peer assessment and self-assessment are combined in order to ensure the evaluative justice, and the systematization and efficiency in follow-up process of students´ research projects. For the development of this paper, we focus on the third year of implementation (academic year 2013-2014) within the subject: «Integrated projects for teaching of Knowledge of Social and Cultural Environment» in 4th Grade in Elementary Education at the University of Huelva. During the application of this proposal, an increase in systematization of assessment processes was observed, as well as an improvement of efficiency in the processes of monitoring in tutorials, greater autonomy for students regarding the management of their group work and, finally, the development of an evaluative process of justice determined by the real commitment of each membe
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