The frustration as a therapeutic resource in the training of art therapist


  • Elvis Posada Quiroga Master en Arteterapia



Frustration, Art therapy, Formation, Personal Resources, Resilience, Countertransference


This investigation explores and describes the presence of frustration in art therapy patients and its effect on students doing their internship in art therapy, in order to contribute to the academic and therapeutic education of future professionals of this discipline. For the purpose of this investigation, we interviewed 25 students with open questions. These students, senior class 2012-2014, had finished or were about to finish their internships as part of the Master’s Program in Art Therapy and Art Education for Social Inclusion at the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Complutense University and the University of Valladolid. The information collected has been systematized and organized in categories to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The investigation outcomes show how patients express their frustration; identify the personal resources that patients use during work sessions to manage their frustration; identify the effect that the patient’s frustration has on the student doing the intership in art therapy; recognize the variables that must be taken into account for the art therapeutic device to address the patient frustration; and finally raise four different types of interventions regarding frustration managment , within the art therapeutic process.


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How to Cite

Posada Quiroga, E. (2015). The frustration as a therapeutic resource in the training of art therapist. Pulso. Revista De educación, (38), 35–56.



Research and studies