Educ−arte−Educar(r)t: hybrid space project
Hybrid space, art, complexity, uncertainty, method as strategy, Hybrid Space, Art, Complexity, Uncertainty, Method as StrategyAbstract
Many schools visit museums and art centers that develop educational proposals based on their exhibitions and collections. In this article we show how models of collaboration between art and / or museums and schools help us to transform the models of colaboration in specific projects such as Educ-arte - Educa (r) t: hybrid space. According to Zeichner (2010), our hybrid space is a weekly meeting attended by all the school professionals, the teacher of the University, the Art Center professionals, the future teachers and students and other community resources agents, and where reflection and action research allow the evolution of the project. Our goal is to re-construct the knowledge, our reality is to experience the complexity, the uncertainty and the flow; our tool is the contemporary art and our methodology is the method as strategy, the art as experience.
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