Documentary study of the intercultural sensitivity concept in the policies and social commurity practice
Intercultural Sensitivity, Documental Analysis, Social PoliciesAbstract
The aim of this work is to redefine the concept of intercultural sensitivity. In academic circles definitions abound, but the interpretation of this construct when applied at the social community level either by the public administration or NGDOs is, although complementary, different. The sample used in this work consists of both official and public documents. First, basic descriptors were defined, then their relevance was quantified depending on their frequency of use. Sampling was performed throughout 2011. The results obtained relate to data on who the main beneficiaries are and on who those in charge of intercultural sensitivity programs are, and also what the key objectives for the future are and what actions need to be taken to achieve these aims. In addition a new concept favouring pedagogical intervention in the social area is also proposed.
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