Creating a parliament: teaching competences in primary education


  • Jesús Martínez Mateo C.P.E.I.P. Otero de Navascués, Cintruénigo, Navarra
  • Olga Mª Martínez Fernández C.P.E.I.P. Otero de Navascués, Cintruénigo, Navarra
  • José Ángel Morancho Díaz C.P.E.I.P. Otero de Navascués, Cintruénigo, Navarra



Parliament, Competences, Institution, ICT, Interdisciplinarity, Constitution, Socialconstructivism, Teamwork


Under the premise of «learning through doing» the project «Creating a Parliament» has been proposed for children in the 5th year of primary education. The idea was to get pupils actively involved in the electoral process, from its beginnings, to the final establishment of a parliament which would carry out some of the functions for which such an institution is responsible. At the same time it would allow pupils to internalise, from a competence approach, some of the contents of the primary curriculum, which are by nature, difficult for children of this age to understand. The experience has been a complete success, allowing our children to a better understanding of our social institutions, developing teamworking skills and use and knowledge of specific computer skills as well.


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Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación. D.F. 24/2007, de 19 de marzo, por el que se establece el currículo de Educación Primaria en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra.



How to Cite

Martínez Mateo, J. ., Martínez Fernández, O. M., & Morancho Díaz, J. Ángel . (2011). Creating a parliament: teaching competences in primary education. Pulso. Revista De educación, (34), 141–158.



Educational experiences