"Everyday Art": Educational Project for today's school


  • Gracia Bondía Alberola Proyecto «El Arte de cada día»




art, visual artists, education, primary, school, exhibitions, Art, Visual Artists, Education, Primary, School, Exhibitions


The educational project «Everyday Art» tries to incorporate the world of artistic creation, including the authors and the artists, to the everyday activities at school. It aims at bringing students closer to the creative processes of these artists. Its main purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of the intellectual development in the generation of art. Each school term, the work of an artist is exhibited in an exhibition room arranged in the school. Later, artists share with students how they carry out their work, how ideas arise and develop, how other artists have an in& uence on them and on their work, their preferred ar t techniques, etc. Afterwards, students prepare an artistic work based on what they have learned, and linked to the academic curriculum. These works will be displayed in the same exhibition room which held the work of the artist. All exhibitions stay open out of school hours so that they can be visited by the students families and the general public.


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Acaso, M. (2009): La educación artística no son manualidades. Madrid. Los libros de la catarata.

Efland, D., Freedman, K., Stuhr, P. (1996): La educación en el arte posmoderno. Barcelona. Paidós.

Eisner, E.W. (2002): El arte y la creación de la mente. Barcelona, Paidós.

Freedman, K. (2006): Enseñar la cultura visual. Currículum, estética y la vida social del arte. Barcelona. Octaedro.

Nietzsche, F. (1980): Humano, demasiado humano. Madrid. Edaf (1878)

Páginas webs y blogs de las artistas participantes en el proyecto:






How to Cite

Bondía Alberola, G. . (2010). "Everyday Art": Educational Project for today’s school. Pulso. Revista De educación, (33), 161–187. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.5016



Educational experiences