The "I'm Beginning to Be Bilingual" Project


  • Ruth Fernández Trujillo CEIP Dulcinea. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)



Bilingual Teaching, Pre-Primary School, English Culture


This project pretends to deal with children of the second cycle of Pre-Primary School in English language from a bilingual perspective, so children would practise and learn this language through different daily activities that nowadays are developed in their own language (Spanish). Thus, it will allow children to learn new contents that would let us introduce them in a new culture, English culture. All this programme has been developed considering the characteristics of children of these ages and the possible difficulties that may arise when working with pupils that require special educational needs. The project also takes into account the importance of new technologies, so interesting and helpful to students and teachers in the teaching and learning process. This programme is different and should be considered as a complement of the traditional English language teaching in Pre-Primary.


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How to Cite

Fernández Trujillo, R. . (2009). The "I’m Beginning to Be Bilingual" Project. Pulso. Revista De educación, (32), 243–260.



Educational experiences