Design and application of the comprehensive sports model in floorball as a device for teacher training.
Action-Research, Teaching Games for Understanding, Modification of Games, Floorball and Invasion GamesAbstract
The technical model of teaching sports has remained obsolete. The lack of globality in a process excessively focused on technique which leaves out the characteristics, knowledge and interests of young people has produced a progressive decrease in sport practice. This tendency has initiated a debate about its complete implementation. As a result, several models have been proposed to try to improve this situation. The theory of these alternative approaches of sport initiation is currently well developed. Nevertheless, we consider that the traditional model is perfectly structured, whereas the alternative models still have not developed a set of games for the global development of children sports learning. For that reason, we organised a seminar on action research and designed and put into practice different modified games to improve the teaching-learning process of floorball and other invasion games.
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