Project: Network response. Sexual abuse and other forms of child abuse. A vision from educational centres in the city of Alcalá de Henares
Children Sexual Abuse, Children Ill-Treatment, Community Preventive Programme, Health Promotion, NetworkingAbstract
This piece of research has tried to carry out a diagnosis of sexual abuse and other forms of children ill-treatment in the educational field. It also deals with the amount of knowledge shown by teachers in the city of Alcalá de Henares and their ways of facing these problems. 98 Emilio Prieto Jiménez According to the conclusions, recognition of cases is as decisive as other aspects related to its communication, the knowledge and use of inter and intrainstitutional resources, teachers training programmes, and, in general, proposals made by teachers. This study tries to promote the complementation of community preventive strategies and social health to avoid the arising of new cases among the population and to increase their general welfare and health by intervening through the different community services. Key words: Children sexual abuse, Children ill-treat
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