Campus Volvo: an innovation proposal to incorporate the city to the educating process


  • Diego Téllez Rodríguez CEIP El Faro



Educating Cities, Expanded Education, Non-Formal Education, Project-Based Learning


The Project “Campus Volvo” pursues to incorporate the city to the learning process, considering it an ‘educating city’. In this regard, an innovative proposal was developed to connect formal education with the multiple resources any city harnesses. It is an expanded education proposal based on projectbased learning and sustained by action-research, all framed within the topic of sailing regattas. The present article is structured in two interconnected parts. On the one hand, a theoretical reflection which serves as the state of the art of the topic. Then, there is a description of the pilot experience in full detail and an analysis of the results with the aim of establishing proposals which may improve future actions. The results show that this experience has a positive impact on the students’ meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

Téllez Rodríguez, D. . (2019). Campus Volvo: an innovation proposal to incorporate the city to the educating process. Pulso. Revista De educación, (42), 263–288.



Educational experiences