"The shadow of identity", an experience on visual culture during the upper secondary school stage
Identity, Adolescence, Art education, Visual cultureAbstract
During adolescence and puberty, each person begins to become aware of their own identity, which will have a significant impact on their education during formative years , both in the interpersonal relationships created, and in the students’ individual development. This article reports on the pedagogical experience of students enrolled in the first year of optional upper secondary school within the area of Humanities in the Canary Islands (Spain). The context of this experience is from the subject Audiovisual Culture, which addresses the concepts of individual, cultural, and collective identity through visual culture. It is an educational intervention based on creative project-based learning and grounded in Wendy Ewald’s Literacy Through Photography (LTP) method. The main objective of this proposal is built on understanding students’ personal identity to favor coexistence and integration in
the classrooms. Although the results obtained show a positive impact on the classroom climate and the relationships that were formed, it is true that more time and a follow-up are needed during the process when considering proposals for improvement.
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