The STEM-CLIL binomial: A Pilot study on methodological transversality in initial teacher training for bilingual education
Initial teacher training, STEM, CLIL, lesson planning, higher educationAbstract
STEM/STEAM education (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, respectively) and the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach share methodological principles for the development of transversal competences in the 21st century. This Educational Innovation Project proposes a model of teaching and learning in higher education from a perspective of cooperation between disciplines and teachers. The general objective is for students to improve their skills to design CLIL lessons through transversal learning of the methodological principles involved in STEM/STEAM teaching/learning in the Primary Education stage. To this end, a pretest-posttest pilot study is proposed that analyzes the impact of three training models on the competence to design CLIL lessons in a sample of 64 students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Education. Likewise, the impact of these three models on that competence is compared in the sample (one-way ANOVA). From the results, it is concluded that transversal training in STEM methodological principles has a positive impact on the competence to plan CLIL lessons.
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