Tangencies between art and science in teacher training: interdisciplinary experiences in the primary school degree course





STEAM, Science education, Arts education, Initial teacher training


The interdisciplinary project carried out by the areas of visual art and physics and chemistry pedagogy has managed to position itself as an exemplary model of teaching innovation at the University of Zaragoza. This article materialises one of the project’s areas of research, in which contemporary works of art are used as the starting point for the development of proposals related to mechanical machines. The aim of this study is to define, implement and analyse learning from an interdisciplinary point of view under the STEAM approach for the training of future primary school teachers. Some of the most notable results are presented, all of them centred on the three-dimensional products through which the integration of artistic and scientific knowledge was studied. Finally, conclusions are reached in which we note that interdisciplinarity is one of the present and future ways to meet the educational needs that arise in the complexity of current times.


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How to Cite

Ramos Vallecillo, N., Murillo Ligorred, V., Serón Torrecilla, F. J. ., & de Echave Sanz, A. M. (2023). Tangencies between art and science in teacher training: interdisciplinary experiences in the primary school degree course. Pulso. Revista De educación, (46), 105–126. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.5934



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