High school students´ perception on the benefits of a linguistic and cultural exchange


  • Cristina Mallol Macau Universitat Ramón Llull
  • Miquel Alsina Tarrés Universitat de Girona




Linguistic and cultural exchange, Motivation, ICT, Interculturality, Foreign language learning


Learning foreign languages is nowadays a trendy topic in our country due to the poor level of Spanish students. This poor level could be due to the fact that students do not see the relation-ship between the theory they learn in schools and its practice. The main objective of the research presented in this article was to analyze the stu¬dents perceptions about a linguistic and cultural exchange project. The sample consisted of 52 stu¬dents from two different state high schools, one from Spain and the other one from Holland. The results showed that the value the learners gave to their increase in motivation, the significance they grant to the culture to be able to interact in a given society together with the importance of the use of ICTs was very positive. The study concludes with a reflection of the advantages and disadvantages of linguistic and cultural exchanges and a proposal for future research lines.


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How to Cite

Mallol Macau, C. ., & Alsina Tarrés, M. . (2014). High school students´ perception on the benefits of a linguistic and cultural exchange. Pulso. Revista De educación, (37), 105–126. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.5190



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