Personal and social effectiveness of university program for senior depending on the age of older students


  • Mª Elena Cuenca París UNED - Facultad de Educación



Evaluation, University Program for Senior, effectiveness, older people


This article emanates from the evaluation of the University Program for Senior UNED. The main purpose was to establish lines for improvement, analyzing the effectiveness, adequacy and satisfaction of older students. This evaluative research was conducted for three years of this program using the Stufflebeam and Shinkfield’s CIPP model (1989). This model provides a systematic assessment through the context of evaluation, input, process and product, the latter being the focus of our analysis. We were interested in discovering whether this program had the same effect on all students or significant differences in terms of the different age groups established for the study. The results showed that pupils aged between 55 and 65 years did not perceive the usefulness of the program in the same way as those over 70 years.


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How to Cite

Cuenca París, M. E. . (2014). Personal and social effectiveness of university program for senior depending on the age of older students. Pulso. Revista De educación, (37), 59–82.



Research and studies