Artistic and transdisciplinary methods in university teacher training degrees. Affects, possibilities and tensions of the binomial art-education
Teachers' training, Art education, Event, Affects, Performativity, CorporalityAbstract
Writing about our own practice is always an act of reviewing and re-approaching the positions we hold as teachers. The group work that we carry out in a teaching project of the Bachelor's Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education, developing an Art Education program with a transdisciplinary approach, poses questions and makes us think about the territories and knowledge that we want to inhabit with students. In this article, we consider how affects, performativity, corporeality and porosity cross our bodies in the classroom together with the students, in a learning process that sometimes collides with their pre-established knowledge and expectations. Without going into detail about the specific programme or curriculum, we present some key questions in order to approach how we perceive this experience. This is a collective experience which we have named HAT (transdisciplinary artistic education), in which tensions are presented both as possibility and potential.
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