Archive practices on the imaginary of childhood in contemporary artistic photography


  • Fernando Hernández-Hernández Unidad de Pedagogías Culturales. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Barcelona
  • Marina Cuadra Pedreño Facultad de Bellas Artes. Barcelona



Childhood, Photography, Archive, Social construction, Discourse


This article provides an account of a study carried out within the subject of Arts Based Research of the Fine Arts degree (University of Barcelona) which focuses on the social imaginary of childhood derived from the gaze of contemporary photographers. To identify, sort and investigate this evidence, we started by archiving practices based on images generated by different photographers who represent children or notions of childhood. After creating the archive, we organised the photographers and their works according to the childhood imaginaries that guided us during the development of the subject: innocent, small adult, maternal or paternal projection and sinister. This thematisation brings out a series of discourses that situate and colonise the senses of being of each child and lead to the appearance of some consequences for teacher development and pedagogical relations in educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Hernández, F. ., & Cuadra Pedreño, M. . (2018). Archive practices on the imaginary of childhood in contemporary artistic photography. Pulso. Revista De educación, (41), 105–118.



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