Inclusiveness in Heritage Education through Augmented Realitys
Heritage Education, Inclusivity, Accessibility, Augmented reality, Natural and Cultural HeritageAbstract
We live in a dynamic, active, highly communicated and increasingly interactive society. The evolution of new technologies is something that stopped surprising us along time ago. As Heritage Education professionals and technology consumers, we have the chance to innovate the traditional dissemination models of educational heritage. There is an intersection of factors that lead us to an appropriate moment to approachHeritage Education through ICTsin favor of inclusiveness. Society demands the real possibility of citizen participation with integration of all social groups, without excluding anyone.This means creating open and prepared spaces to attend to the needs of each person using heritage as a nexus to achieve equality and inclusiveness. We present a pilot study based on the use of Augmented Reality due to the boundless possibilities that it offers for Educational Heritage
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