How about a visual lecture? Viewers Interpretations of a Visual-Pedagogical Installation Challenging Family Photography


  • Seija Ulkuniemi University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland



Art Education, Installation, Family Photography, Response, Interpretation


This article describes an experiment where a teacher-artist-researcher made an installation on family photography. This installation, a visual-pedagogical production, was shown in various venues to gather viewers responses for the work. The data, 249 responses, was analyzed to see what kind of response the viewers gave and how they interpreted the work. The responses were divided into seven types of which one, the meaning-searchers, was analyzed in more detail. The author states that the viewers, with thei r wr i tten responses, became act ive par ticipants in the creation process of the installation. In addition to this, some of them started to ponder about their lives and ways of using their family photographs. The analyzing categories may be used for further research of viewers responses, whose gather ing is recommended in the light of this research.


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How to Cite

Ulkuniemi, S. . (2010). How about a visual lecture? Viewers Interpretations of a Visual-Pedagogical Installation Challenging Family Photography. Pulso. Revista De educación, (33), 61–86.



Research and studies