Environmental interpretation as a methodological approach for the professional development of teachers in Campo Verde, Brazil.


  • Manuel González Herrera Universidad Central de Las Villas (Cuba)
  • Edione Teixeira de Carvalho Universidad de Campo Verde (Brasil)
  • Graciela Urías Arboláez Universidad Central de Las Villas (Cuba)




Environmental Interpretation, Environmental Culture, Professional Teacher Training, Methodological Strategy, Pedagogical Experience, Teachers


This paper presents an applied pedagogical experience about the formation of an environmental culture of the teachers in Campo Verde, Brazil, so they educate their students environmentally from the teaching-learning perspective. The verification of an insufficient and traditional formal practice of the environmental education -which could be an expression of the lack of environmental culture among teachers-, justifies the proposal and implementation of a strategy of professional teacher training~ training using the environmental interpretation as a methodological way to contribute to the formation of an environmental culture. To accomplish this goal, a postgraduate course, ~ trainingtraining tasks, and self-improvement activities are integrated. The study of the results of the educational necessities that constitutes the base of this study and the design of the methodological strategy of professional teacher training~ training are carried out; finally, the results of this case study are also explained.  


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How to Cite

González Herrera, M. ., Teixeira de Carvalho, E. ., & Urías Arboláez, G. . (2009). Environmental interpretation as a methodological approach for the professional development of teachers in Campo Verde, Brazil. Pulso. Revista De educación, (32), 221–242. https://doi.org/10.58265/pulso.4998



Educational experiences