Manjón and his work


  • Victorino de Arce García Maristas



This study aims to supplement the prior publication in issue 25 of Pulse by providing more precise information on Andrés Manjón's Las Escuelas del Ave María.  Specifically, it delves into the purpose of the schools, the objectives of their founder, and the regulations that underpinned them. Furthermore, when comparing Manjón's work to that of his contemporaries, it is evident that he was a trailblazer, at least in terms of timing, in the development of the Active School or New School approach. Therefore, it is puzzling that one of our most eminent pedagogues has been overlooked.


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How to Cite

Arce García, V. de. (2003). Manjón and his work. Pulso. Revista De educación, (26), 71–84.



Research and studies