Education in an Inter-religious dialogue is an Emergency
In the current international socio-political climate, marked by the dissolution of bloc tensions, it is imperative to consider education focused on intercultural and interreligious dialogue. A perspective of the world stage that hypothesises a "clash of civilisations" has been proposed, and in certain cases, it has been effective. This mindset also entails a specific approach to coexisting with varying religious beliefs in each nation, focused on strengthening one's distinct cultural characteristics and opposing “foreigners”. However, it is feasible to devise an alternative framework founded on intercultural and interreligious dialogue. The dialogue is not to be improvised, but rather it has its own characteristics and demands. These suppositions about genuine dialogue leads us to the conclusion that it is not a strategy, but rather a way of life. Educating for this way of life necessitates incorporating not only theoretical concepts, but also practical skills and values into our educational curricula, with the goal of offering a genuine alternative to the culture of hostility and aggression surrounding us.
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