The Castle of Navas de San Miguel: An application of a conflict resolution game to address the issue of preserving historical heritage.


  • Josué Llull Peñalba Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
  • Juan Antonio Mayoral López Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros



A role-play is presented that uses conflict resolution strategies to tackle moral dilemmas in a practical scenario.  The case presented is based on the premise that a proposed new motorway would cut through existing vineyards situated between a small village and a nearby castle.  The construction of this road would not only destroy the vineyards and impact the traditional agricultural economy of the area but also necessitate the relocation of the cemetery and sever the historical link between the town and the castle.  The participants in the role-play will assume various positions related to the issue and use negotiation strategies to reach a feasible and consensual alternative to the negative effects of the motorway.


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CUADRADO, J.M. y PUCHOL, L. (1982): La negociación laboral. Madrid, Revista ICADE.

GÓMEZ POMAR, J. (1991): Teoría y técnicas de negociación. Barcelona, Ariel.

KENNEDY, G.; BENSON, J. y Mc MILLAN, J. (1990): Cómo negociar con éxito. Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto.



How to Cite

Llull Peñalba, J. ., & Mayoral López, J. A. . (2002). The Castle of Navas de San Miguel: An application of a conflict resolution game to address the issue of preserving historical heritage. Pulso. Revista De educación, (25), 111–131.



Educational experiences