Studiositas and curiositas. A theoretical perspective on the study habit
This article approaches the way in which studiositas and curiositas operates in middle, high school, and college students’ behavior. This approach has a structure of solid argumentation that allows us to visualize Thomas Aquinas’ analysis of studiositas and curiositas in the context of formal education. To achieve this visualization, some daily practices that reflect these habits in the students’ behavior are highlighted. In order to bridge these realities, the analytical-comparative method of interpretation is used. In this method, the definitions of both categories are reviewed as they appear in the Summa Theologica, and they are put in contrast with some recurrent students’ attitudes. After the review of the bibliography, one of the evident results is the insufficiency or almost nullity of the works done on this area. This void stimulates the undertaking of more research in this direction. In conclusion, the debate on the inclusion of studiositas and the prevention of curiositas in formal education can only be left open. This paper suggests some possible lines of theoretical and practical exploration to do so.
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