About the Journal

Call for papers for issue 48 (2025)

Pulso. Revista de Educación is edited yearly by the Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros, (Avenida de los Jesuitas, nº34, 28806, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España). This journal was originally established in 1977 but changed its format in 2001 (number 24) in order to become a scientific and research journal in the field of education. Throughout these more than twenty years, the journal has established itself as a reference for the dissemination of educational research, especially in Spain and Latin America.

It is addressed to education specialists, researchers, and professionals in the field of education at all levels. Its main aim is to disseminate and promote studies and experiences related to education, prioritizing those contributions which focus on the most innovative research in the field.

In the section Research and Studies, the journal publishes original empirical and theoretical research articles, studies, reviews, and educational experiences. Contributions must show methodological rigor and scientific quality. Work obtained from funded research projects will especially be taken into consideration. Contributions for this section will be evaluated using the double-blind peer review method. The Reviews section accepts original and critical reviews of books about education published in the last two years. For both sections, contributions can be written in Spanish or English. Occasionally, written contributions in Portuguese might be accepted.

Pulso. Revista de educación meets editorial quality criteria required by the scientific community (committees, periodicity, reviews, indexing...). In recent years, significant work is being carried out to update and strengthen editorial policies and quality criteria, always in line with the most current trends as it pertains open access publications. As an example of this, we have recently completed the 38 LATINDEX quality criteria

The journal publishes one issue per year through a continuous flow process until the completion of each issue. Thus, once the final versions of the contributions are received, they are added to the table of contents of the "current" issue. The journal is also published on paper once the current issue has been closed.

Pulso. Revista de educación facilitates unrestricted access to all its content.

Current Issue

No. 47 (2024)
					View No. 47 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-20

Research and studies

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