The Practicum model from Guadalajara University's School of Teaching


  • Mª. José Criado del Pozo Universidad de Alcalá



This is a work presenting the student teaching model of the University School of Teaching of Guadalajara. The first step involves establishing the foundation of the model. The article considers three different approaches, namely the traditional-culturalist, behaviourist-technological, and critical approach or teacher thinking. These approaches are not viewed as exclusive, but rather as complementary. The article then examines the overall objective of the student teaching, which is to acquire professional knowledge. It proceeds to describe the organisation of the model, which considers several elements such as the delegation of the internship, the objectives, the activities that students should engage in, the timeline, the procedure for awarding places, and the evaluation. 


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How to Cite

Criado del Pozo, M. J. . (2004). The Practicum model from Guadalajara University’s School of Teaching. Pulso. Revista De educación, (27), 133–143.



Educational experiences