Alcalá Somos Todos: A model of participation for children and youth


  • Carlos Francisco de Armenteras Fuster Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
  • Mª del Mar Cabra Díaz-Malaguilla Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
  • Mª Jesús Gilabert Moncho Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
  • Laura Marcelo Alonso Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
  • Mª Dolores del Valle López Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros



Children and young people's involvement in our city is minimal and mostly connected to politics. This article recounts our experience with the "Alcalá Somos Todos" project, which was carried out in 2003 and aimed to provide children and youth with the opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process of their city. During the municipal elections held on 25 May 2003, the Action Collective for Play and Education (CAJE) provided an opportunity for children to vote on proposals that interested them the most. These proposals were later going to be delivered to different political parties. The successful implementation of this project would not have been possible without the assistance of Juan Luengo, Director of CAJE, and Jacqueline Trillo, Activity Coordinator. We develop in detail all the steps that were taken in our project. 


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VARIOS AUTORES: Consulta infantil y juvenil 2000, disponible en la página web



How to Cite

Armenteras Fuster, C. F. de ., Cabra Díaz-Malaguilla, M. del M., Gilabert Moncho, M. J. ., Marcelo Alonso, L. ., & Valle López, M. D. del . (2004). Alcalá Somos Todos: A model of participation for children and youth. Pulso. Revista De educación, (27), 119–131.



Educational experiences