And after September 11: Educate for Life or Train for the Market?


  • Gonzalo Romero Izarra Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros



“The people always pay the price in the conflict between Good and Evil. Terrorists, in the name of Good versus Evil, have killed workers from fifty countries in New York and Washington. In response, President Bush vows revenge, proclaiming that they will eliminate evil from the world.


Eliminating Evil? What would be good without Evil? It's not just religious extremists who require enemies to justify their madness; the arms industry and the colossal military apparatus of the United States also need enemies to justify their existence. The roles of Good and Bad are fluid, with actors who switch masks, heroes becoming monsters and monsters becoming heroes, all dictated by those writing the drama.”

Eduardo Galeano


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How to Cite

Romero Izarra, G. (2002). And after September 11: Educate for Life or Train for the Market?. Pulso. Revista De educación, (25), 231–249.


